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Sodium n-Decyl Sulfate

Time: 2012-09-25 16:55:26; Count: 16

Sodium n-Decyl Sulfate


Sodium Decyl Sulfate;

Sulfuric acid, monodecyl ester, sodium salt;


Anionic Surfactant

> Sulfate

>> Chain Alcohol Sulfate

>>> Alkanol Sulfate

>>>> Linear Alkanol Sulfate

Chemical Numbering System



Molecular Formula & Molecular Weight

Molecular Formula: C10H21NaO4S; C10H22O4S.Na

Molecular Weight: 260.33



Appearance    (1), solid; (2), liquid.

Odor    faint characteristic odor.

Solubility    soluble in water.

Physical - chemical properties

Surface tension, mN/m

33 (100mg/L)[1]

Melting point, °C

ca. 197[1]

CMC, 20°C, mmol/L


Flash point, °C

> 93

Stability    stable in alkali, weak acid and hard water; unstable in strong acid, hydrolyzed, reduced to alcohol.

Risk    Solid form: flammable material; irritation, moderate irritation to skin, eye, respiratory. Harmful products of combustion are CO, CO2 and so on. Contact with strong oxidants, can cause to burn.

GHS (Rev.10) label:  

Liquid form: irritation, moderate irritation to skin, eye.

GHS (Rev.10) label: 

Animal Toxicity

Table 1 Animal toxicity values[2]

mouse intraperitoneal LD50


mouse intravenous LD50


rat oral LD50


Ecology    may be hazardous to environment. Water body should be given special attention.

Biodegradability    biodegradable.

Characteristics    excellent wetting, permeating, cleansing, emulsifying, dispersing, solubilizing, foaming abilities. Resistant to hard water.

Note    (1), Avoid using in children cleaning products, such as shower gels, shampoo, skin care products.


Currently, sulfated reaction through continuous reactor (such as: falling film reactor) is the most widely used method for preparing sulfates.

Generally, decyl alcohol and sulfur trioxide react through reactor, then sodium hydroxide neutralizes, finally obtain product.

US patent 8,921,588 (Process for preparing sulfates and/or sulfonates in a micro-reaction system) presents a synthetic process. Conditions: mole ratio of sulfur trioxide and alcohols or other raw materials: 1:1; temperature: 30-60°C; reactor: falling film reactor.

US patent 6,455,488 (Process of making alkyl sulfate granulates) describes the preparation of a particulate alkyl sulfate, but does not involve the synthesis process.

US patent US 6,331,645 (Process for preparing powdery alkyl sulfates) describes the preparation of a powdery alkyl sulfate, but does not involve the synthesis process.

Quality Standards & Test Methods

1, Physical and chemical indexes


Physical and chemical indexes


Actives, %, ≥

29.0 - 41.0

Soluble materials in petroleum ether, %, ≤


Sodium sulfate, %, ≤


pH (25°C, 10% solution)


Test Methods

(1), Actives

GB/T 5173 Surface active agents and detergents-Determination of anionic-active matter by direct two-phase titration procedure

ISO 2271 Surface active agents -- Detergents -- Determination of anionic-active matter by manual or mechanical direct two-phase titration procedure

(2), Soluble materials in petroleum ether

GB/T 11989 Anionic surface active agents - Determination of soluble matter content in light petroleum

ISO 894 Surface active agents -- Technical sodium primary alkylsulphates -- Methods of analysis

(3), Sodium sulfate

GB/T 15963 Sodium lauryl sulfate

ISO 894 Surface active agents -- Technical sodium primary alkylsulphates -- Methods of analysis

(4), pH

GB/T 6368 Surface active agents - Determination of pH of aqueous solution - Potentiometric method

ISO 4316 Surface active agents -- Determination of pH of aqueous solutions -- Potentiometric method

2, Hazardous substances indexes


Hazardous substances indexes



Heavy metals (as Pb), mg/Kg, ≤



As, mg/Kg, ≤



Test Methods

(1), Heavy metals (as Pb)

Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015 Edition)

GB/T 30799 The test method of food detergents - Determination of heavy metals

(2), As

Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015 Edition)

GB/T 30797 The test method of food detergents - Determination of total arsenic

3, Further explanation

(a), On physical and chemical indexes: firstly, shall be indicated carbon atom distribution; secondly, shall be indicated average molecular weight.

Major Uses

1, Typical applications

Use as wetting agent, permeating agent widely.

Use as cleansing agent.

2, Household detergents

Main ingredient or auxiliary ingredient for cleansing agent in laundry detergent and other household products.

3, Industrial cleaning agents

Main ingredient or auxiliary ingredient for cleansing agent in car cleaning products, metal cleaning products and other industrial cleaning products.

4, Personal care products

Main ingredient or auxiliary ingredient for cleansing agent, foaming agent.

5, Emulsion polymerization

Emulsifier, particle size controlling agent in emulsion polymerization. Especially suitable for PVC system.

6, Textile

Use as wetting agent, cleansing agent.

7, Pets

Main ingredient or auxiliary ingredient for cleansing agent in shampoos and other pet products.

8, Fire extinguishing agent

Use as foaming agent.

9, Fertilizer

Used in fertilizer industry for urea injection process, and release control.


In addition, used as biochemical reagent.




[1]: OECD. Category of Alkyl sulfates, Alkane Sulfonates and α-Olefin Sulfonates. SIDS Initial Assessment Report for SIAM 25. 2007.

[2]: ChemIDplus. Sodium decyl sulfate, 142-87-0

Update: 20131018(1); 20160814(2);


[Terminology] Dispersion system

[Terminology] Vesicle

Pandect of Ester surfactants (1): Definition

[Terminology] Van Der Waals force

[Terminology] Micellar aggregation number


Test methods of surfactants, catalog, Chinese national standards

Surfactants, catalog, Chinese national standards